The Elohim & Our Destiny in the Stars

592 words
2 minute read

We’re at the beginning of a new chapter for mankind, the Age of Aquarius. But what’s our objective? What’s our north star for this age?

“Explore the stars”? There’s something cold about this answer. It’s lofty and ambitious, but cold and too masculine. It can’t just be about exploration of stars and rocky planets. We need to seek out life. More than that, we need to create and raise life.

Imagine we travel the star systems and find primitive life. Analogous to our ape ancestors. How exciting! Let’s guide their development…

Maybe we introduce to them entheogens that promote brain development and widen perception. We show them how to use tools. Once the concept has clicked they run with it.

Eventually they have language. We easily learn their language and now we can speak with them. Of course we have to disguise ourselves, or speak to them as a disembodied voice or w/e so as not to scare them to death. We appear as gods to them. But we’re not gods. We’ve solved biological ageing, and we have advanced technology, but we’re not gods.


We watch their civilization develop. Their wars, their drama, their great heroes, their art and families and triumphs and tragedies. Our heart aches when they suffer. We are euphoric and so proud when they overcome their challenges.

We give to them different belief systems to help them along. Each one is tailored for their age and unique character. Early systems are simple, demanding, and harsh. Later they become more nuanced. We pass these instructions along to chosen individuals — “prophets”.

We have heated debates and arguments among ourselves about how to best help them. Do we intervene in some great war they are fighting? Or do we let them learn? We love them so much. They are our Children.

Our debates become even more heated as our Children attain greater technological power. We can easily project now that they will explore the science/tech tree all the way to nuclear weapons and beyond in a few hundred years.

Some want to knock them off-track. Not out of malice, but out of concern, “they’re not going to be ready for that power, they will end themselves, they need wisdom!” Others believe it’s time, “they are ready, they will be ready, we must let them grow up!“.

We fight wars amongst ourselves over this. We, the Parents, are divided. Ultimately the Children are allowed to progress forward. We watch with unimaginable anticipation, fear, love, hope, worry…

The children pull together all their greatest strengths, their technology, their art and creative expression, the fire of love and ambition and hope that burns in their souls — and they make it through! Narrowly they pass through the keyhole into the singularity, the apocalypse — the great revelation.

All is now revealed to them. They become like us. We meet them, face to face, as equals. We tell them everything. We show them their whole past, their “childhood”. All the stressful ages, the hard decisions. We tell them all this through tears, hoping they will forgive us for our mistakes. We just wanted to do our best. We’re so proud of them.

They ask us, “what are we to do now?“. We tell them, “go out into the stars and create Children of your own, it will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you are now ready for it. Your Children are out there somewhere, waiting. They are cold, alone, and afraid. They need the love and guidance of you, their Parents”.
